


where is the hyphen key on my keyboard

20 Aug 2010 Here are a few useful iPhone keyboard tricks: exclamation, longer hyphens,etc by tapping and holding the corresponding keys. My fingers know where the keys are, not my eyes, and typing on a software keyboard on  Many nonwriters lump hyphens, en dashes, and em . are, how do I find them on my keyboard? A: As you know, hyphens have their own key. The quickest way  26 Oct 2013 when typing within my browsers the keyboard symbol is incorrect instead of a forward slash I get this é, however if I am working on a word  However, keyboards do not typically have a key for macrons, but they can be typed Just change to using the Māori keyboard, and press Alt+vowel to get a . Although there's no Māori keyboard layout, there is (at least on my system) a US w/ dead keys ) layout, in which case you hold right-alt and hit the - (hyphen) key,  31 Jan 2013 If your keyboard shares the number 6 key with the hyphen, which And as my site indicates, you can re-assign any keyboard shortcut with  6 Apr 2016 Btw, OS X uses U+002D when using the hyphen/underscore key. … Each time I lend my keyboard or network conference share PC, I have to  30 Jan 2009 To type an en dash in Word, you can either use the default key combination My shortcut is Ctrl + – (the one on the main part of the keyboard). Since last 2 days, my keboard has started typing dash symbol wherever I keep mouse cursor. It goes on typing ---------- continuously It's not  2 Nov 2009 On my keyboard the hyphen "-" or "minus" symbol, is located to the right of the "0"(zero) on the top row, and two keys to the left of the  29 Jan 2015 All keyboard input from higher-up levels is ignored #14. Open. eigengrau E. g., my hyphen key is on level 3 of my keyboard layout. When that  Tip: See my guide to the Most Common Mistakes in English. the so-called hyphen-minus (the usual minus character you have on your keyboard), which is,  23 Sep 2010 In fact, dashes are different from hyphens, and they have a variety of forms. use a single hyphen “if the en dash is not available on your keyboard. Like many people, I use Microsoft Word as my word processor, even on my Mac. On a PC, hold the Control key and type the minus sign (specifically, the  Anybody realize the Swype keyboard doesn't have a DASH symbol. ~Jae, Tap'n on my White Samsung Galaxy S3~ you from long pressing to get the hyphen in those circumstances, it doesn't show on the keyboard. 19 Apr 2012 Then this key and the quote or apostrophe would appear on the screen. I did some iPhone is not appearing in My Computer as a camera. 20 Jul 2009 - 1 min - Uploaded by speedlearnerThis video will tell you the difference between the Hyphen and on the keyboard ? i want to 6 Dec 2011 Here's how: • On your keyboard, press Option+Shift+Hyphen all at a slight gap between my en dash and dash to make my em dash. My iPhone allows the option for three sized dashes when I hold down on the hyphen key. My agreement with Fiona is clear—she teaches me French and I teach her on a Mac is to press and hold the Shift key, Option key, and minus (hyphen) key. (for en) and 0151 (for em) on the numerical pad on the right side of the keyboard.

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